Tiana Hill

compassion is


in action


About me

Compassion Is Love In Action and it begins with you!

Hi, my name is Tiana Hill. I am a mom, a yoga instructor, food lover, a vegan health and wellness lifestyle enthusiast and a student of herbal medicine. 

I partner with people who want to transition from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a plant based/vegan lifestyle. A lifestyle of compassion for their own health and wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of the planet and the other beings we share it with. I teach group health and wellness classes, group yoga classes, as well as work with clients one-on-one.

My passion is to create a life of peace and calm amongst the chaos of this beautifully messy life and lovingly encourage others to do the same.


“out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right- doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” Rumi