tiana hill
I have always struggled with mild depression, shame and fear. Though some of it situational, I put myself in situations that did not serve me, some of it goes back to childhood trauma. All of it surpressed. Those traumas live somewhere until we do the hard work of releasing them. They live in our physical body and in our emotional being and show up in closed off hearts and tight hips. They live on in the form of depression, shame, anger, fear and resentment.
In January 2019, I faced trauma head on with the passing of my friend, my love, my children's father. This loss was the beginning of major transformation. This broke my heart wide open. I could have responded with anger and a closed off heart. It was a viable choice. But instead I am choosing to love. To love within, so I can reach my highest self.
I thought I had to be completely healed and perfect in order to share this love and healing with others. I realize now that we are all broken and can and do heal as a collective. I am a healer. It starts with me. It starts with you. Compassion Is Love In Action!