My Sacred Morning Ritual

When I left my corporate job in 2012, I was chasing simplicity. I longed for a slower pace. 

A garden, backyard chickens, clothes drying on the line, long evening walks, homeschooling.  

There is something romantic about slowing down and being more mindful. 

When I am mindful in the moment, I walk slower, speak with intention, and feel a sense of peace. 

So what does simplicity look like day in and day out? 

For me, it starts with a morning ritual.

Each morning I rise and:

  • Make an herbal tea. 

  • Sit in my favorite spot to journal and meditate

  • On some days, I light a candle, sage or palo santos, and lay out my crystals. 

Those initial moments when I rise are so precious and really set the tone for the day. It gives me time to connect to spirit, my intuition, and my inner being. I make my morning moments sacred in order to show up to the day with positive energy. This is not to say that some days don’t take a turn because, let’s be real, some days are hard. 

If you don’t already have a morning ritual, I invite you to practice the one I have adopted and adapted over time and make it your own. Carve out 20-30 minutes of sacred time for you! You deserve it. 

Tea - Steep an herbal tea. The nice thing about herbal tea is you can find an herb to benefit whatever it is you might be feeling that day and what you’d like to experience. Preparing a nice cup of tea asks me to slow down and connect to what I am feeling. It is a meditative practice.

Gather your favorite herbal teas. Sniff the herbs, close your eyes, what do you notice? What do you sense? After you have steeped your tea, breathe it in, sip your tea. What do you taste? How does it make you feel upon your first sip?

**If you have an herb shop near you, plan a field trip to learn about various herbs and bring some home to create your own tea ritual. 

Meditate - Take your tea and find a comfortable place to sit. Some days I sit quietly with the door open and listen to the birds chirp outside. Repeating a mantra is also a great way to create some space between thoughts. You can find great guided meditations on the Insight Timer and Calm apps. The meditation I choose really depends on how I feel in the moment.

Journal - I enjoy writing about my dreams, if I remember them, or how I feel upon waking, what came up in meditation, a gratitude list, or anything that may be on my mind and heart. This is a great time to release and do some inner work. 

Looking back to my life in 2012 it looks quite different. I realize now that I was searching for more than simplicity. I was longing for connection to myself, for something special, something sacred. And on some levels, I am still searching for that. I probably always will be. Though, each day I practice my rituals, I get a little bit closer. 

Do you have a morning ritual? How can you make your daily activities sacred? Please share!

And, until next time, may you live well, may you be well. 


Tiana Hill